Learning To Fly

May 24, 2010

a new yo-yo video with tricks by ed haponik and friends. filmed at home and at virginia states, and featuring the new run of the SPYY Flying V (on sale soon).


big thanks to steve buffell of SPYY, along with tony basch, randy jansen, steven kinder, mikhail tulabut, tom connolly, ann connolly, joe wilso, fred rowland, jon saelens, gee cheung, samm scot, and charles schluer… and all of the people i meant to get in but couldn’t… also guys like john bot, sid, drew, jacob, seth, and steve, who [very] obviously inspire a lot of the tricks i like to do.

some new, some downright-ancient, some unresponsive, some ultra-snappy. hope you like it!

Title: Learning To Fly
Yoyoer: ed haponik & friends
Music: ‘Learning To Fly’ by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Length: 4:00
Stream: Vimeo
Download: Sector_Y

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