March 19, 2010
This was 10 years ago: a humble contest, hidden between the busy streets of San Francisco. With an open freestyle division, players from all over California got to show off their routines to crowds of parents, fellow yoyoers, and the few passersby who happened to be in the right place at the right time.
This is now.
Click here to watch in HD.
The 2010 California State Yo-Yo Championship featured over 100 competitors from around the world competing to claim the top prize. Prizes were no longer yoyos, but one thousand dollars instead. Crowds filled the two-story mall to see what yoyoing has evolved into. This video is a glimpse of the 2010 yoyo community as a whole.
Looking at the leap in skill over the last ten years, I can’t help be excited for what the next ten has in store for us.
Video: Stream :: Download Coming Soon…
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Song: Bionic by Mr. SOS
Length: 4:25
March 10, 2010

The 2010 California State Yo-Yo Championship was held on March 6th, 2010. Below are the top 15 freestyles from each division. Click below to stream them in HD! (Downloads coming soon!) (more…)
December 1, 2009
A link to download everything at once is located here. Individual freestyles are located below.
All videos shot and edited by Boxthor.
October 23, 2009
The original Sector Y website launched October 15th, 1999. It’s been a full decade since then. Over the past 10 years, yoyoing has evolved farther than anyone could have imagined. Contained inside every modern combo or trick are traces of the tricks from yesteryear. We have come a long way in the past decade. It’s time to sit back and reflect over the past 10 years, and think about what the next 10 years holds for us.
This video is dedicated to all players who have helped advance this hobby in one way or another.
Title: Decade (Advance 2010)
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Download: HD (1280×720, 754 Megs) / Medium (720×405, 308 Megs) / Small (480×270, 114 Megs)
Stream: Vimeo
Music: Flight Test, One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21, & Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1 by The Flaming Lips
File Type: Mpeg-4
Note: Most of this footage comes from the Nationals 2009, some footage shot in Self Edge (San Francisco, CA). The smallest video is iPod/iPhone compatible.
October 13, 2009

Here’s a presentation of some repeating tricks that have been developed over the past 5 years. It’s interesting to see how time-symmetrical some tricks can be. Tricks are shown forward and in reverse. Some of the changes are very subtle, some look different but just as cool backwards, and some are clearly impossible to do in reverse.
I made this video just to help catalog some of the lesser known repeating tricks. Repeating tricks have taken a backseat over the last few years in light of more complex, technical tricks. The art of making that simple one-or-two move repeating trick has been slowly fading away, but there have been a few strong progressions over the years. This video is here so we don’t forget.
These repeating tricks were filmed during the National Yo-Yo Contest 2009 in Chico, CA on October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2009. Many thanks to those who let me film them.
Title: Things that repeat. [Download | Stream: Youtube or Vimeo]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Music: Broken Van (Missing You) [instrumental] by Kno
Time: 2:13
Resolution: 1280×720 (HD)
File Type: Mpeg-4
Note: This is my first attempt at playing around with HD footage. All footage shot on a Canon HF S100. Video created in iMovie.
October 4, 2009
Here are videos from the National Yo-Yo Contest 2009, which was held on October 3rd, 2009 in Chico, CA. These videos were filmed by gabe and encoded/delivered by Boxthor.