No Jive III

November 19, 2008

Because I’m sure you were thinking “My life’s ok, but I’d really like to watch ed play some more with a wooden yo-yo.” Right?

I liked making this one, because the tricks are less about “what I CAN hit” on a wood axle (though there’s still that: spirit bomb, triangulation, etc.), and more about what tricks “suit” a wood axle. A lot of these tricks I learned (read: straight-up GANKED) from Adam Brewster and Steve Brown, two of the most insane fixed axle players in the world (they do them much better than me).

In all seriousness, playing fixed axle (specifically, wood) IS a great challenge, but it’s also great fun of its own accord. More people should lose themselves in it.

If this were a Back to the Future movie… I guess it’d be the one where the go back to the wild west. That’s scary.


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No Jive 2

May 13, 2008
more of ed haponik playing with a No Jive fixed axle yo-yo.


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Stock Proyo

June 13, 2007
ed haponik playing with a fixed axle proyo.


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top tippin’ too

April 14, 2007

my 2nd top tip video… because i couldn’t leave well enough alone.

More crazy shenanigans with G5 top-tips!!! Whips (T[wh]ips)! Shockwaves (Spikewaves)! Suicides (Spikacides)!

… and general silliness.


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March 17, 2007
ed Haponik playing with the yoyofactory g5 yo-yo w/top-tips.


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No Jive

March 13, 2007
ed haponik playing with a Tom Kuhn No Jive yoyo


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I Adore Luchador

January 1, 2007
Footage of ed Haponik getting beat up by the new prototype Throw Down yo-yo.


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