
March 20, 2011

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of hangin’ out with two-time national champion and all-around sweet bro Hank Freeman. As luck would have it, the prototypes for the second run of his signature yo-yo arrived around the same time that I did and we got to test drive them in this video. I even got him to throw some 5A! Anyways, we had a lot of fun making it, hope you have fun watching it.

Song is “Intervales Theme” by Javelin.

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sawchucks tutorial

March 18, 2011

hey guys! drew here. i made a tutorial for one of my favorite 5A tricks, sawchucks. i hope you learn from it and enjoy the trick!

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March 14, 2011
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double wrap sloppy slops

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under-the-leg sawchucks

February 9, 2011
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just a little thing. round 2 coming someday?

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December 28, 2010
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a couple new 5A tricks. hope you like it!

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tumbler & tumbler 2

September 18, 2010

fall’s gonna be good

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September 13, 2010
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hopefully should have another clip soon, but gabe was encouraging me to post this demo in the meantime. enjoy!

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August 30, 2010

one for the homies. ****** crew still loves you. hang in there, fellas!

download / vimeo

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Chubby Lovin’ Spring Break

July 11, 2010

And now for something completely different.

Over spring break I went up to Minneapolis to hang out with Abe and John Bot, and as luck would have it, Seth was hangin’ ’round as well. You know what that means… more yo-yo shenanigans than you can shake a stick at. Not that you would. That’d be weird.

Download the video here, if you’re so inclined.

Music is “Bone Jam” by Jeff the Brotherhood.

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Hyper Drew Special Engine

March 27, 2010
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Here’s a trick that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I did it, Jeff figured out what was going on, and then Rei named it. hope you like it~!

Oh yeah, and there’s a downloadable version right here.

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