Open Air And Thursday

May 25, 2010


A moebius video dedicated to the Italian yoyo community in conjunction with the interview set at Yoyomaniacs yoyo forum. Think of this as a “best of” video featuring old tricks.

Title: Open Air And Thursday
Creator: Zammy
Music: “Second Sight” by LOONGAR
Time: 1:39
Download: HD (1280 x 720 60.5 Megs)
Stream: Youtube or Vimeo
File Type: Mpeg-4

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To The Top

March 11, 2010

This video was made due to the idea that I am unable to go to Asia Pacific Yoyo Championships. I really wanted to go but due to the idea that it takes so long to be able to require a passport, my appearence will not be there. So, as a means of an apology, I made a video for my international yoyo friends. I hope you and other yoyoers enjoy it. I was also trying to make a better video then the last moebius video I did, which I feel I may of done.

Title: To The Top
Creator: Zammy
Music: “No More Silence” by Dj Fire-Black
Time: 2:10
Download: HD (1280 x 720 79.1 Megs)
Stream: Youtube or Vimeo
File Type: Mpeg-4

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December 13, 2009
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This video was made as my last hoorah of the year before 2009 comes closing to an end. It was recorded within my room using a work light. With newly acquired editing skills I fiddled with the intro as well. Yet again new concepts were introduced to this video such as flytrap binds and no handed whips with the use of body parts.  I was also given a challenge to recreate oldschool 2001 1a tricks into moebius as requested by Dimi of Duncan, to which “Seppuku” was made.

Title: Attitude
Creator: Zammy
Music: “Don’t Stay” by Ritter
Time: 2:20
Download: HD (1280 x 720 85.2 Megs)
Stream: Youtube or Vimeo
File Type: Mpeg-4

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Exist To Inspire

December 5, 2009
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Made in the summer of 2008, Exist to Inspire was created as a means of trying to achieve a sequel type of feeling to the original moebius rebirth video that was documented in late 2007. Also in the video were new elements to moebius such as Flytraps and Invisi-whips to really push the style to new means. Remade in 2009, it was re-shot with much better clarity, smoothness and new angles as well as tricks named.

Title: Exist To Inspire
Creator: Zammy
Music: “Let You Go” By Advantage
Time: 1:56
Download: HD (1280×720 70.5 Megs)
Stream: Youtube or Vimeo
File Type: Mpeg-4

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Moebius Re:Make

December 4, 2009
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Moebius Re:Make is a remake video from the series of videos I have produced where I re-shot everything that was done in the older videos to expand them to the new video quality of today. This particular video was re-done in Mall of America in November 2009. All the tricks were from when I first began to do Moebius so this pays tribute to that time.
Title: Moebius Re:Make
Creator: Zammy
Music: Emptiness by Alexander Blu
Time: 1:58
Download: HD (1280×720 72 Megs)
Stream: Youtube or Vimeo
File type: Mpeg-4

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