80 Years 1 World

February 1, 2011

Traveling around the world in 9 weeks is ridiculously fun!
WARNING: This video contains excessive amounts of AWESOME’NESS!

80 Years 1 World from Takeshi Kamisato on Vimeo.

Date: Spring 2009
Length: 4:09
Featuring: Takeshi Kamisato, Mark McBride, Whip, Rodrigo Yokota, Jack Ringca, Dimi, Fajar Siddiq, Hank Freeman, Shingo Terada, Terry, Nobu, Kota Watanabe, Kohta, Maya Nakamura, Buko, Lim Aik Hwee, Paul Murillo, Ron Chan, KS Chan, Fred Tai, Tai Kam Pang, Gergo Domonkos, Bence Kormendi, Gergely Sara, Daniel Budai, Colin Wan, Titi Freak, Javier Martinez, Yuji Kelly, Danilo Packer, Mike Burke, Ryan Lai, Chris Makita, Glasseye, Brian Cabildo, Lionel Heng, Sean Perez, Ian Poh, Drew Tetz, Hassan, Shakeel, Diego Delgado, Duncan Crew, Worldwide, DCW

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2010 National YoYo Contest Triple A Throwdown

October 9, 2010

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2010 US Nationals by Kohta

October 8, 2010

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MoYo 2010 by Takeshi

May 19, 2010

A hastily thrown together video of MoYo 2010. Sorry guys, but I don’t have as much time as I’d like to put together a proper clip vid for MoYo, so I threw this together in a couple hours. It was also an excuse for me to play around with some extreme contrast and color saturation.

Video: MoYo 2010
Takeshi Kamisato
Date Created: May 19, 2010
Song: Under Your Influence by Dag Nasty
Song: Slumber by Samiam
Length: 5:45
Featuring: Mark Allen, Blake Freeman, Joseph Harris, Chris Neff, Doctor Popular, Seth Peterson, Brandon Jackson, Hank Freeman, Zammy, Kevin Eulalia, Ian Cole, Chris Fraser, Ian Cole, Ben Conde, John-Bot, Abe Z and many more…

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National Breakthrough (PSY Trailer #2)

February 18, 2010


This was a combination of the Nationals 2001 contest video as well as the second PSY trailer. It featured not only footage from the 2001 National Yo-Yo Contest, but also various clips sent in from around the world. I believe this video was the internet-debut of Arthur Staykov, one of the B3 members from Poland.

Looking back at the video, we start to see the emergent trend of faster tricks as well as more complex string tricks. By 2003, these trends eventually led to a new renaissance in 1A where more emphasis was placed on getting as many string-hits into a single combo as possible. This is one of the last glimpses of the 1A of yesteryear. Aside from the PSY/String Theory DVD, this was one of the last videos I released publicly on the old Sector Y.

Title: National Breakthrough [ Stream | Download ]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Date: October 21, 2001
Music: In the End by Linkin Park, One Million Miles Away by J Ralph
Time: 3:53
Resolution: 640×480 (SD)
File Type: Quicktime H.264

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February 16, 2010

A fun video featuring the Drew Tetz and Hank Freeman.

MayheM from Takeshi Kamisato on Vimeo.

This was an incredibly fun video to shoot and edit. I only had a rough idea of what I wanted, so all of the shots and transitions were talked about once we got to each location. It was a very linear run-and-gun way of shooting and it really took me back to the way I used to shoot my videos. I forgot how much fun that was and I loved it :)

Title: MayheM
Creator: Takeshi
Date: February 14, 2010
Music: Fu Zhuang Bu He Ke from the Goong soundtrack and Lost in the Post by The Wombats
Time: 3:36

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October 23, 2009

The original Sector Y website launched October 15th, 1999. It’s been a full decade since then. Over the past 10 years, yoyoing has evolved farther than anyone could have imagined. Contained inside every modern combo or trick are traces of the tricks from yesteryear. We have come a long way in the past decade. It’s time to sit back and reflect over the past 10 years, and think about what the next 10 years holds for us.

This video is dedicated to all players who have helped advance this hobby in one way or another.

Title: Decade (Advance 2010)
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Download: HD (1280×720, 754 Megs) / Medium (720×405, 308 Megs) / Small (480×270, 114 Megs)
Stream: Vimeo
Music: Flight Test, One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21, & Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1 by The Flaming Lips
File Type: Mpeg-4
Note: Most of this footage comes from the Nationals 2009, some footage shot in Self Edge (San Francisco, CA). The smallest video is iPod/iPhone compatible.

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Nationals 2009

October 4, 2009

Nationals 2009Here are videos from the National Yo-Yo Contest 2009, which was held on October 3rd, 2009 in Chico, CA. These videos were filmed by gabe and encoded/delivered by Boxthor.


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