Adam Brewster’s Eleven

December 18, 2009


This video was about 8 months in the making. After the WYYC in 2007 I decided to do a series of 12 tricks each named after the location of the strongest weapon/summon in the 12 different Final Fantasy Games (except I substituted FFXI for FFT – hence the trick Deep Dungeon) the 12th trick wasn’t finished in time but was later released in the video, “The Only Thing Worth Saying” as Kefka’s Tower. It was also shot in the extremely creepy house over the course of a few visits over a few weeks and gave Brandon and I the heebie jeebies like none other haha. Anyhow, this is the final edit. 

Title: Adam Brewster’s Eleven
Creator: Brandon Jackson and Adam Brewster
Music: “A Stray Child” by Akira Yamaoka
Length: 5:14
Download: HERE
Stream: Vimeo or Youtube

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The Only Thing Worth Saying

December 18, 2009


This was the last video I made before I moved away from Nashville, to Des Moines. It had a lot of unfinished/unexplored ideas that I’ve yet to do anything with and the trick Shadowgraphs which I guess a lot of people like. It’s also the only video where I have a stunt double for my daring jump scene…..

Title: The Only Thing Worth Saying
Creator: Adam Brewster
Music: “Jesus Lizard” by Showbread
Length: 1:34
Download: HERE
Stream:  Vimeo or Youtube

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Save Deth Life

December 18, 2009

I’m guessing it was because it was never available for streaming anywhere, but this video didn’t get a lot of publicity when it first came out (or since then really haha) but it’s a favorite of mine. Some really great stuff by Dave and Seth especially. This was shot about a week after I moved to Des Moines in August of 2008, but wasn’t uploaded until March of 2009 – and it’s still classy.
Love this video.

Title: Save Deth Life
Creator: Dave Poyzer
Music: “Razor Love” by Mobius Band
Length: 2:15
Download: HERE
 Stream: Vimeo

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Adam Brewster April 2009

December 18, 2009


This video was shot at the 2009 MoYo State Contest in April 2009. It showed some of the newer body-based tricks that I had been working on since moving to Des Moines, Ia. 

Title: Adam Brewster April 2009
Creator: Brandon Jackson
Music: “Run” by Broadcast 2000
Length: 1:26
Download: HERE
Stream: Vimeo or Youtube

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Nothing is New: Everything is Boring, Nothing is Old: Everything is Exciting

December 18, 2009

I made this video in August of 2009 to show the new tricks I had been working on since the April video came out. I also showed the concept of axis/plane breaking without using flops or portals in axis smashing – but I have yet to do anything other than what I showed in the video.

Title: Nothing is New: Everything is Boring, Nothing is Old: Everything is Exciting
Creator: Adam Brewster
Music: “Ongoing Horrible” by Maps and Atlases
Length: 2:25
Download: HERE
Stream: Vimeo

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Oh, Canada!

December 18, 2009


Here’s my winter/fall catalog of tricks for the year of 2009. I tried to showcase some new flashy stuff, some vertical/pulley based tricks, and some tricks that use a sidestyle posture with frontstyle spin. 

Title: Oh, Canada!
Creator: Adam Brewster 
Music: “Oh, Canada!” by Five Iron Frenzy 
Length: 2:32 
 Download: HERE
 Stream: vimeo

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Not Quite Black and White

December 18, 2009
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This is my most recent video. It’s a new regeneration I came up with yesterday that I’m calling the “Blarghegen” and then it’s also three different 5A tricks that I’ve been sitting on for the past 1-2 years but never really got around to filming. 



Title: Not Quite Black and White
Creator: Adam Brewster
Music: “Leaf” by mewithoutYou
Time:  0:42
Download: HERE
Stream: vimeo or youtube

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December 13, 2009
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This video was made as my last hoorah of the year before 2009 comes closing to an end. It was recorded within my room using a work light. With newly acquired editing skills I fiddled with the intro as well. Yet again new concepts were introduced to this video such as flytrap binds and no handed whips with the use of body parts.  I was also given a challenge to recreate oldschool 2001 1a tricks into moebius as requested by Dimi of Duncan, to which “Seppuku” was made.

Title: Attitude
Creator: Zammy
Music: “Don’t Stay” by Ritter
Time: 2:20
Download: HD (1280 x 720 85.2 Megs)
Stream: Youtube or Vimeo
File Type: Mpeg-4

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2000 Revolutions

December 7, 2009

The year 2000 was one of yoyoing’s strongest years. 1998 and 1999 created the craze, and in 2000 the bar was raised. Everyone brought their A-game. Everyone who started with the boom now had over 2 years of practice, and string tricks continued to push forward. This video is a look back at the innovation that exploded around the turn of the century.

Title: 2000 Revolutions [ Download | Stream ]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Date: Created 2004, footage from 2000.
Music: Days of our Livez by Bone thugs-n-harmony
File Type: Mpeg-4

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Exist To Inspire

December 5, 2009
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Made in the summer of 2008, Exist to Inspire was created as a means of trying to achieve a sequel type of feeling to the original moebius rebirth video that was documented in late 2007. Also in the video were new elements to moebius such as Flytraps and Invisi-whips to really push the style to new means. Remade in 2009, it was re-shot with much better clarity, smoothness and new angles as well as tricks named.

Title: Exist To Inspire
Creator: Zammy
Music: “Let You Go” By Advantage
Time: 1:56
Download: HD (1280×720 70.5 Megs)
Stream: Youtube or Vimeo
File Type: Mpeg-4

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